Follow the instructions below to make a template we can use to fashion your custom GatorStep. Remember, the more accurate and detailed your template is, the better the finished product will fityour boat. Don’t stress—we know not everyone’s an artist, so it’s okay if you have a few squiggly lines. Just do your best! For the best results, we recommend using our template kit Mylar or Mylar that is 300 gauge. Our max cut size is 45 x 84 inches, any larger pieces will need to be split. Please contact us if you have any questions.

1. Lay supplied plastic film over the area to be templated. Use scissors trim film slightly larger than the area you want to cover.2. Using masking tape, secure the film so it doesn’t move during the template-creation process.
3. If you’re replacing existing non-skid materials: Use the supplied pen to trace around the entire factory non-skid area. Use a small straight edge or ruler to produce a cleaner template.
4. If you’re starting with a smooth surface: Use the supplied pen to create an outline of the desired area to be covered. Use a small straight edge or ruler to produce a cleaner template.
5. Number each outlined area (see #4 in diagram above).
In each outlined area, draw an arrow pointing toward the front/bow (see #5 in diagram above).
6. Label the top of all parts and their location on your boat. Example: Top Floor Port; Top Floor Center; Top Floor Starboard (see #6 above).
7. Label any areas with holes or hinges that need to be cut out (see #7 above).
8. If you wish to include a logo, write “Logo Here” exactly where it should be placed (see #8 above).
9. Draw a few lines connecting adjacent parts so we can line up the template correctly during the design process (see #9 above).
10. For our reference, write your name; phone number; email address; boat make, model, and year; and top and base color choices on at least one section (see #10 above).
11. DO NOT cut film to the lines you have drawn! We need the extra space for digitizing.
Before removing the film from your boat, take photos of each traced part.